June 12 & 13, 2009
Seven Bridges Campout
Located roughly 20 miles southeast from Reedsport and deep within the Elliot State Forest, we made our camp along the tail end of the Seven Bridges Road. We don't often make it to such isolated locations. But with Chet Evans' as our guide we had no difficulties whatsoever. And, of course, it was well worth it. The beauty was serene and camp felt like home. Just down a small hill from our camp ran the West Fork Millicoma River. On the other side of the river jutted a 200+ foot moss covered cliff. After we arrived and pitched our tents the sun began to poke through the morning clouds. Swimming was on everyone's mind. But that would have to wait until after the five mile hike. On the hike we figured that our average step was about 2.5 feet and we were going
We awoke the following morning with a gentle rainfall allowing everyone to sleep in as long as we preferred. Derek Kennedy spearheaded a morning ru
A big thanks to Chet Evans and Ken Lamph for providing their time and support. Without them the campout couldn't have happened as most of the other leaders had to work. Also a big thanks for each one of the well behaved scouts who make me proud to be their scoutmaster. Thanks to Brian and Mark who made a late appearance and to all of the parents for trusting us with their young sons. I hope that the experience was as a pleasure to all as it was to me.